Monthly Archives: September 2007

Picture Mommy Dead (1966)

Have you ever had vague memories of a movie you want to see again? One you saw years ago and don’t remember enough about to track down? You don’t remember the name of the movie or any of the actors in it, just faint memories of a couple of scenes and the way it made you feel. There is (or was) a movie I wanted to watch again. I’d have been 12 to 15 the time I saw it on TV (it was in the late sixties). Every once in a while I happen to think of it. Before the Internet there really wasn’t much chance of tracking it down. But since I went online I’ve done searches for it from time to time based on what little I remember. Until the end of August 2007 I hadn’t had any luck. Last month all that changed. It has been several years since the last time I thought of it and didn’t find anything so I didn’t really expect anything but did a search just in case.

I found it! In July 2007 someone (The Dark Knight) blogged about a movie they’d seen on cable and from their description it sounded like the movie I was looking for. Now, supplied with the name of the movie I checked IMDb and with information from the blog and IMDb I remembered additional details that made me positive I’d finally found the movie. So I went shopping, and found it on eBay.

I’m glad I finally tracked it down. It is just as suspenseful and tense as I remember it being. I am surprised I’d forgotten Zsa Zsa Gabor was in it. She plays the dead mother. It is deliciously wicked fun and the end is unexpected.

I’m wondering now if I ever saw the end. Did my mommy make me stop watching it when I was 13 years old (give or take a couple years).

Picture Mommy Dead (1966)